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Letting Go

Who remembers the Silly Silo at Adventureland? I sure do. It’s not there anymore but it was a staple in the park for decades. For those of you not familiar with the ride, the Silly Silo was a spinning ride where you stand against the wall and the force of the spinning pinned you against the wall. Simple yet effective.

I loved this ride when I was a teen. My friends and I would ride it over and over. It was a blast. In my twenties I could only tolerate about one ride per visit. Once I hit my thirties I could barely stand the idea of getting on the ride.

Over the years the ride didn’t change. I changed. I changed what types of experiences I could tolerate and decided the Silly Silo was no longer for me. While I appreciated the ride in my younger years I knew it no longer served me.

As I get older I'm becoming more aware of things that no longer bring me joy. Some things are easy to give up, like the Silly Silo. Other things are not so easy to let go - especially if you helped create that thing or have any vested interest in it. I’ve realized that I have to be the one to decide to let go before I can truly release that energy.

Today I let go of a project at work that I created years ago. It was useful for our team for many years, but no longer serves us. I held on to it for much longer than I probably should have. Today I was finally able to fully let it go. It feels good to not have to worry about the future of this project.

Letting go of something that no longer serves opens space for other things to come into our life. And that's a good thing.

Silly Silo at Adventureland
Silly Silo at Adventureland


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