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My Origin Story

Hello. My name is Chris, and I am an angel reader and medium.

This is not something I expected or had in my long-term plans. Spirit, however, had other plans. Spirit knew my potential in this field, saw an opening, and jumped at the opportunity to make me aware of these skills.

My journey to become an angel reader and medium started when I experienced my first reading 20 years ago. I went with my wife to the reading. The experience provided much healing and some answers I was seeking. Not only did I feel better after the reading, the experience really opened me up to a whole new world of possibilities. I realized that what I learned from growing up may not be all there is to know about spirit and God.

In the years since that reading, I frequently noticed repeating numbers and other synchronicities around me. I didn’t know what this all meant but knew there was some meaning behind them and it wasn’t all “just a coincidence”. I read a few books written by mediums and saw a few television shows starring mediums. These were mostly entertaining, but deep down I knew there was more that I didn’t know.

Fast forward to two years ago. A friend of mine who is an angel reader suggested that I look into automatic writing. Honestly, I had no idea what that was. About a month later, I attended a psychic & paranormal expo and signed up for a reading. Before I could ask the reader any questions, she asked me, “Are you a medium?” I didn’t know what to say, but shared with her about the automatic writing that was suggested to me. After these two events, I knew the universe was nudging me (not so subtly) to look into these topics.

I started researching automatic writing and signed up for an online class on automatic writing and channeling. As part of this class, I learned how to meditate. By the time I finished the class, I meditated on a regular basis and was able to tune in to my guides/angels/spirit to receive messages. I did this via automatic writing. Over time I started to ask questions and record the messages that I received.

As I continued my meditation and automatic writing practice, I started to receive “visits” from loved ones who have passed, starting with my grandma. I didn’t know what was happening at first, so I dismissed it. These visits continued, so I knew this was something I needed to address. When my loved ones came for a visit, I asked them questions and received answers. It was truly a conversation with them. I was surprised and amazed.

My mother-in-law visited frequently. I shared these messages with my wife, who was able to confirm what I was receiving. I was amazed but quite excited about all of this.

Since then, I have completed mediumship training from my friend and mentor, Maria Peth. She was the person I sat with for my first reading nearly 20 years ago, and now I have received my mediumship certification from her. No coincidences!

I have seen the healing and comfort a reading can provide. This motivates me to push forward on this journey. There is much yet to learn and experience and I’m here for it.


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